Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jesen je stigla (Autumn is here)

(Bargain top and belt, Zara skirt, NewYorker shoes & printed scarf, accessories from Manila)

From our home! The (strange) transition from summer to autumn is slowly happening now. Sometimes, it can be too much but the best part is being able to wear whatever the hell you want. Bright colors are for spring, yes, but autumn outfits they don't need to be necessarily dark and boring just because, right? Makers of scarves-- you are all geniuses! So today, my family and I, we went out for a short walk, & we loved the weather. I put on some of my favorite summer pieces and broke the vibe by recycling a bit. 
An oldie turned into a goodie.




  1. Love it Deej! I subscribed already :) Will be looking forward to your posts, keep it coming yah? ;)

  2. Thank you, Mel. I need some diversion, I am new at this but enjoying it.. I need more clothes though haha ;p

    1. Just have fun mix and matching and reinventing what you already own (I should really listen to my own advice, haha!) Or you maybe can get into making your own clothes? Why not?! Haha!

  3. That's what i am doing now, because there is no other choice :)) Haha! But it's fun, if nothing else :)
